Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jakub Nepraš 2007

Babylon Plant - impressionante obra de arte deste artista a ver no CCB. Algures incluida neste video.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thought of the day...

"If the global crisis continues, by the end of the year only two Banks will be operational, the Blood Bank and the Sperm Bank!
Then these 2 banks will merge and it will be called "The Bloody Fucking Bank"

Monday, September 22, 2008

50, Fifty, Cincuenta, Cinquante, Cinquanta, Fünfzig

Yeah, well... it took me some time to recover. I am 50 since last September 1st.
It feels funny...Not sure yet what it means. All I know is that suddenly I know that it is very unlikely that I'll live another 50 and it is say the least.
Anyway my three boys made life easier for me by not making be blow or see 50 candles in one go. It certainly helped, I can tell you.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal

Bons tempos!!! Parabéns pelos seus 50 anos. Mais um da minha colheita que se perdeu...

Friday, August 29, 2008

50 Small Pleasures of My Life... Wait, wait

I do have more even though I failed to get them all on my blog before my 50th birthday as I meant to do. But it'll give me something to complete this next year.

Meanwhile today, my mate Michael Jackson is 50!!!!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Ingrid and Sócrates

Mais uma vez Sócrates com alguma ajuda de fora. A libertação de Ingrid tirou algum do impacto às baboseiras que disse ontem à noite na RTP.

Monday, June 30, 2008

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #20

INTERNET and my laptop, but specially the internet. Wonderful invention!!!!

A INTERNET e o meu portátil, mas espcialmente a internet. Invenção maravilhosa!!!

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #19

Tea and "Pasteis de Belém", the perfect combination for afternoon tea, or morning or evening or night, whenever. I'll have them anytime I can.

Chá e Pastéis de Belém, a combinação perfeita para o lanche, ou para qualquer hora do dia ou noite. Por mim sempre que a oportunidade surja.

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #18

I also like to take pictures and luckily digital cameras were invented and I can now just point and shoot without worrying about the cost of developping them. The wonders of technology!!!!

Também gosto de tirar fotografias e felizmente que apareceram as máquinas digitais que me deixam fotografar à vontade sem a preocupação do que me vai custar a revelação. Maravilhosa tecnologia!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #17

Yes, I've got another one, this is a very important one, one that has given me countless moments of pleasure, at least since since I share my life with Pleasure # 8, it JUST HAS to be enjoyed with him. They go together... It had been some time since we'd done this and the setting couldn't be better. Just look at this, and tell me if you don't agree

Ok, ok, aqui vai na minha outra lingua:
mais um grande prazer "Ameijoas à Bulhão Pato" acompanhadas de um bom vinho branco bem fresquinho. Acabadas de degustar hoje ao jantar. É um dos meus grandes prazeres, que faz parte integrante do meu casamento (pois pode parecer estranho mas é mesmo assim) e que tem de ser apreciado em conjunto com o meu prazer #8 ou não sabe como deve ser. E hoje foi assim neste maravilhoso cenário. Não é uma maravilha!!!!!!

I'm late!!! Heres another pleasure #16

Back in September of last year I started my list of 50 Small Pleasures of My Life, I'm only still up to 15...Oh dear. I was supposed to get to 50 before I reach the age... I'd better hurry.

Here's another one:

My garden and eating out on the patio!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #15

I am addicted to these shampoo bars, especially Karma.
All from LUSH unfortunately still not in Portugal (I think...)
Estou viciad nestes sabonetes para o cabelo, principalmente o Karma. Tudo da LUSH que acho ainda não há em Portugal. Mas há em Cabo Verde que foi onde primeiro conheci a marca. Para quando aqui????

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #14

(photo from here )

The smell of freshly cut grass...
O cheiro de relva acabada de cortar...

Monday, May 19, 2008

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #13

A nice book...oh and some ice cream... or some chocolate...
Um bom livro...gelado...ou chocolate... companhia perfeita!!!

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #12

The sea, the beach...of course!

Friday, April 11, 2008

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #11

Painting, collage, photography are all things that I take pleasure in.
Pintura, colagem, fotografia, tudos coisas que me dão prazer.

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #10

Travelling!!!This I really, really enjoy and can never get enough of. Pity it costs money...
Viajar!!!Disto gosto mesmo muito! Nunca me farto só é pena o dinheiro não esticar...

Monday, March 17, 2008

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #9

Back to really small pleasures. My favourite flower!!!

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #8

And here's another BIG PLEASURE!!!!
He, who has been the apple of my eye for 27 years. I know you wish you could see the rest of him but not a chance. He's all mine!
O meu mais-que-tudo desde há 27 anos. Queriam ver o resto, não era? Mas nem pensar, é só meu!

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #7

In this case I am talking of a BIG PLEASURE:

my boys are everything to me, of course.

Os meus meninos são tudo para mim, claro.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Benetton's latest ad campaign!!! Brilliant!!!

Since this is a cause close to my heart, I was very excited about Benetton's new idea.
Microcrédito, uma grande ideia! Aqui promovida e apoiada de forma muito inteligente pela Benetton.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Playing with Hopper #2

Playing with Hopper #2, originally uploaded by Big Mamma Costa.

A little collage fun...

Monday, January 28, 2008

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #6


Taking opportunity of the fact that Google reminded me of Lego's 50th birthday!


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #5

Tea time!!! Can't do without it!
Hora do chá! Imprescindível!

Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 04, 2008

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #4

Eating out and finishing off with a nice glass of wine (preferably) and a cigarette. Unfortunately, as of the first of this year, soon to be a rare pleasure...
Um bom copo de vinho e um cigarro no fim de um bom jantar num confortável restaurante! Enfim, um prazer raro desde o último dia 1 de Janeiro. Sniff, Sniff
( and no, this is not me, alas...)

50 Small Pleasures of My Life #3

Big family gatherings are the best!!!
Reuniões familiares, especialmente à volta de uma boa refeiçao, são imprescindíveis!!!!