Acabou-se o descanso (pelo menos no Reino Unido)!
Para aqueles pais que estavam na sua "fresca ribeira" gozando os poucos anos dos filhos em que não se tem que preocupar com o seu desempenho escolar, digam adeus.
Aparentemente no Reino Unido foi criado um curriculum "escolar" para os bébés dos 0 aos 36 meses. Todos os infantários terão de seguir este curriculum de agora em diante sendo sujeitos avaliações e inspecções regulares.
Citando a notícia:
" The curriculum will divide a baby's development into four broad areas: heads up, lookers and communicators; sitters, standers and explorers; movers, shakers and players; and walkers, talkers and pretenders.
There will be four aspects, each containing a check list of components: a strong child, a skilful communicator, a competent learner and a healthy child.
Competent learners must be able to make patterns, compare, categorise and clasify. They should be able to imitate, play imaginatively with all the senses, make their own symbols and marks and recognise that others might use them differently. "
Não gostaram do termo "competent learners"?
e mais adiante continua:
"...Inspectors will want to see if pupils are meeting the four components of "a healthy child", including being able to express "joy, sadness, frustration and fear, leading to the development of strategies to cope with new, challenging or stressful situations".
Para quando os exames nacionais?
e mais adiante continua:
"...Inspectors will want to see if pupils are meeting the four components of "a healthy child", including being able to express "joy, sadness, frustration and fear, leading to the development of strategies to cope with new, challenging or stressful situations".
Para quando os exames nacionais?